(Credit: NOAA NDBC)
La Jolla, CA (073)
Station ID: ljpc1
32.867° N / -117.257° W
Last updated: 01/20/2025 00:20 (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (Los Angeles)
Wind Speed
2.9 knots
Wind Direction
Wind Gust
5.1 knots
Wave Height
1.6 ft
Average Wave Period
7.1 sec
Dominant Wave Period
17 sec
Note: Times are displayed in your timezone. Charts may have different start and end times if buoy sensors report data at different intervals.
32° 52' 1" N (32.867)
117° 15' 25" W (-117.257)
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Observations data source: NOAA NDBC. Weather icons by Erik Flowers