Sorry, this buoy station does not appear to be reporting.
37° 15' 4" N (37.251)
76° 20' 31" W (-76.342)
Nearby Stations
York Spit, VA
8637689 - Yorktown USCG Training Center, VA
Thimble Shoal, VA (240)
8638614 - Willoughby Deguassing Station, VA
8632200 - Kiptopeke, VA
8638511 - Dominion Terminal Associates, VA
8638901 - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, VA
8638610 - Sewells Point, VA
Stingray Point, VA
First Landing, VA
Taskinas Creek, Chesapeake Bay Reserve, VA
Taskinas Creek, Chesapeake Bay Reserve, VA
Jamestown, VA
(Not Currently Reporting)
8638595 - South Craney Island, VA
8632837 - Rappahannock Light, VA
8638999 - Cape Henry, VA
Observations data source: NOAA NDBC. Weather icons by Erik Flowers